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Stop missing your gym sessions. Follow these steps


Your gym membership can be the best investment in your long-term health – or the easiest way to burn your hard-earned cash on a monthly basis.

If you started the year with the good intentions of a new gym membership and have found yourself missing countless sessions, you are certainly not alone!

According to a study conducted by Banana Moon fitness clothing brand, “Brits waste a staggering £558m a year on unused gym memberships – with more than one in 10 people saying they hadn’t stepped foot inside their gym for a whole year.

Stop missing gym sessions. Follow these steps

By following these 5 simple steps, you can ensure that your hard-earned pounds are utilised for the betterment of your health, and not a donation to your local health facility.

1. Determine when you can consistently commit

The first step to becoming consistent in your gym training is to look at your schedule and determine when you can realistically commit to training on a weekly basis.

By being honest with yourself and starting conservatively, you can develop a habit that you can stick to, as opposed to trying to achieve an unrealistic goal, failing, and giving up.

Whether you are a morning person or not, the most important tip in maintaining consistent training is to make the appointment, and then keep it.

If you consistently block out the time for 90 days (based on the previous examination of your schedule, and commitment to a realistic amount of training each week), you will be in a much better position to keep to the regime and reap the benefits.

2. Re-Fuel

Do you schedule your gym visits towards the end of the day? After a long day at work, it’s not too surprising that your energy levels may be flagging. Re-fuelling on a balanced snack (including protein, good fats and carbohydrate) before you take off for the gym, will help you to feel re-energised. Re-fuelling will also help you to get the most out of your training session.

Working out first thing in the morning? A fasted training session is usually fine if you’re working out for 60 minutes or less. However, if you find yourself feeling low in energy on a fasted workout, once again, a small balanced snack will benefit you. Click here for 5 healthy snack options that can be prepared super fast.

Stop missing gym sessions. Re-fuel

3. Choose a gym close to your home or office

At the heart of a consistent gym routine is convenience, so choose a place that is close to you (either home or office).

If a place is convenient for you, you are more inclined to visit, so by actively locating a place nearby you are increasing your opportunities for developing a positive habit of visiting.

Stop missing gym sessions. Choose a gym close to you

4. Choose exercise you enjoy

At this point it’s important to ask yourself ‘do I like to exercise in a gym?’ People may understand the value of training but force themselves to go to a gym when this may not be the right answer.

There’s no shame in saying that you don’t like the gym – some days I don’t like it either. The key is to keep active on a regular basis by doing things you enjoy, because you are more inclined to stick at those.

So figure out what you like and follow through with that.

5.  Train with a partner with a similar schedule

You are 40% more likely to stick to a fitness regime if you train with a ‘fitness buddy’. The key is to find a training partner with a similar schedule to you, as this makes the training timing easier to coordinate.

Stop missing gym sessions. Train with a partner

When you train with someone you are more likely to stick to the training, as well as being more accountable and more motivated to push yourself. Training buddies are lurking everywhere – you may even have one behind you right now…

Get to it!

To learn more about effective workout habits to achieve your fitness goals, contact James Staring, a leading personal trainer in Clapham, London.


James StaringJames Staring is a personal trainer based in Clapham, London. His methods have featured in publications such as Your Fitness, Hello, Healthy, Daily Mail, Closer, and many more. After giving up smoking and entering the fitness industry in 2009, James has focused on his passion to help others transform their health and fitness. However, James is convinced that most people struggle so much more than they need to in an effort to improve their fitness. Through his company, Fit to Last, which he runs with his partner, Ali Page – James has helped hundreds of men and women make small adjustments in their daily habits to transform their fitness and to love how they look and feel.
